
The Best Ways to Prevent Struvite Bladder Stones & Dog UTI

You may already be aware that bladder stones & dog UTI are fairly common. Bladder stones and urinary complications are seen more often in females than in males and more commonly in small dogs than larger breeds. Unfortunately, these conditions can be excruciatingly painful. In this article, you’ll learn how dog urinary tract infections and struvite bladder stones can be treated with common sense measures and natural supplements.

Bladder Stones & Dog UTI – The Causes

Bladder stones are made from minerals (cystine calculi, ammonium urate, struvite and calcium oxalate) which collect in the urethra and block it, making urination difficult and painful. (Your vet may also refer to these stones as calculi or uroliths.) Bladder stones can lead to other medical issues such as cystitis which is an inflammation of the bladder that will make your dog’s pain and suffering much worse.

Since different stones require different treatment protocols, the first step in treating bladder stones dog is to take your pet to the vet for a diagnosis. Of all the different types of calculi, struvite bladder stones are the most responsive to treatment with diet and natural supplements because they dissolve as your dog bladder system becomes more acidic.

Dog UTI is caused by a proliferation of bacteria in the urinary tract. Many factors can contribute to this, such as feeding your dog cheap kibble that is full of chemicals, additives and fillers, lack of fresh, clean water, holding urine (which dogs do when they don’t have access to the yard) and lack of regular exercise.

Bladder Stones & Dog UTI – Treatment and Prevention

Dog urinary infections and struvite bladder stones can be treated by following the steps listed below. Doing so will make for a healthy urinary tract that is resistant to disease.

  • Always make sure your dog has access to fresh, clean water. (One of the causes of bladder stones, dog UTI and other common urinary issues is dehydration. Giving your dog filtered water is preferable because it helps flush out impurities and toxins and does not contain chemicals like tap water.

  • Give your dog plenty of exercise and play-time. It has been shown that daily exercise reduces stress which reduces infection, inflammation and disease. Make sure your dog gets a walk twice per day. This will be good for you as well and will ensure that you spend time with your pet.

  • Stay away from commercial dog food, particularly dry dog food. Like processed food for humans, it is full of fillers, food dyes and preservatives that can be detrimental to your dog’s overall health. Kibble is also packed with cheap, grain-based carbohydrates which can alter the pH of your dog’s urine, creating an environment that encourages the development of bladder stones, dog UTI and other urinary issues. Look for a balanced food that contains protein and healthy carbs (like vegetables).

  • Make sure your dog has access to the yard so he can urinate as needed. Install a doggie door if you can’t be around to let your dog outside.

  • Use a homeopathic remedy to keep your dog’s urinary tract at the right pH to support bladder health and strong urine flow. These remedies work at the cellular level to strengthen your pet’s immune system.

    Since these remedies are all natural, they are completely safe and have no side effects. The supplement I recommend comes in a granular form, so it is easy to administer: you just sprinkle a few granules into your dog’s mouth or on his food. Homeopathic remedies are gentle enough to use on a daily basis to treat and prevent bladder stones, dog UTI and other urinary issues. Humans have used preventative medicine for many years to ensure their health and it’s time we applied this knowledge to our pets.

So there you have it. By making these action items a part of your dog’s daily routine, you can prevent your dog from ever having to suffer through the pain of struvite bladder stones & dog UTI again. Best of all, prevention is the best way to ensure your dog’s longevity and quality of life.

Laura Ramirez is a passionate researcher of natural remedies which heal disorders and keep pets vibrant and healthy. Find out more about safe, effective ways to maintain your pet’s urinary tract health at http://www.pet-ut-health.com

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