
Get rid of bladder stones!Diagnosis, Causes and Treatment.

Worried about painful surgery? SILS provides a better way to deal with bladder stones!

If you are too lazy to lift that bottle of water often enough in the day, it’s time to change that habit. Not drinking enough water could lead to a whole lot of unnecessary complications – a burning sensation when you pee, abdominal pain or a swollen abdomen. This could eventually lead to kidney stones!

What are bladder stones?
“Kidneys are blood purifiers. They wash off the toxins from the blood while maintaining its viscosity,” says Dr N Subramanian, a urologist at Apollo Hospital, New Delhi. The kidneys push the waste in the urethra and into the bladder. At times, the chemicals constituting urine crystallise and harden in the kidney forming kidney stones.

Diagnosing the problem
People suffering from kidney stones won’t be able to find a comfortable position to rest in. “You’ll experience severe pain in the abdominal and groin region,” says Dr Subramanian.

According to Dr Chidanand Srinivas, a urologist at Apollo Hospital, Bangalore, “Some people experience swelling and nausea as well.” Finding blood in your urine is another red alert that you might have kidney stones.

How it happens
Kidney stones could be hereditary or due to the errors in your diet. “Some people have a high level of calcium in their body. This is passed from one generation to the other,” says Dr Subramanian. “Avoid consuming too many calcium-rich supplements and foods, as they can cause stones. Tomato seeds are also known to cause bladder stones,” says Dr Srinivas.

How do you treat it?
The first step towards recovery is to cut out the calcium supplements accompanied by medication. “Include more water in your diet so that the stone can get washed off naturally. It can also help dissolve the stone,” says Dr Subramanian.

“In some cases, the stone is big and very painful. At such times, surgery is an option, which happens through laser treatment,” says Dr Srinivas. This will break the stone into smaller pieces and you’ll be able to get it out of your system more easily.

Surgery is usually painful, but with the hi-tech Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery (SILS) available at Fortis Hospitals, you can breathe easy. Heading the team is Dr Aashish Shah, Consultant Gastrointestinal and Laparoscopic Surgeon, Fortis Hospitals who has performed more than 50 Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgeries till date.

SILS is a way to make surgeries simpler by making a 2 cm incision to carry out an entire operation, unlike the regular ones which involve multiple incisions.

Should you opt for SILS?
Of course! There are several reasons why.

•    For one, the surgery includes only a single entry point and all instruments and requirements for the operation are used via this point.
•    The incision is just a small one so the scar usually goes unnoticed.
•    The pain involved in the surgery is much less and there is lesser loss of     blood too.
•    The recovery is much faster. You could be ambulant within three to six hours of surgery and discharged within 24 hours!

SILS is sure to make way for a new trend in the medical world. However, a little care will altogether save you from those kidney stones. Drink a lot of water and exercise regularly. This should help you keep fit and away from kidney stones. Take good care of your kidneys to avoid any ailments.

